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How fair is Fair Trade in fisheries?

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Fisheries, Fair Trade, Social Enterprise, Sustainability

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¿Qué tan justo es el Comercio Justo en la pesca?

The international trade of fisheries and aquaculture products generates over USD 170 billion per year. About 600 million people’s livelihoods are thought to be at least largely dependent on fisheries and aquaculture. Fair trade in fisheries is a growing movement that seeks to ensure that fishers and fish-workers are paid a fair price for their catch, that their working conditions are safe and dignified, and that fishing is done in a sustainable manner. To address complex social-ecological concerns, cross-sector cooperation involving businesses, voluntary organisations, and scientists have increased recently. These partnerships have been especially effective in global value chains like the fisheries industry. The inclusion of social problems is a recent development in this subject. With this association, sustainability is becoming more than just a trendy word. With the ability to create unified sustainable practices and the economies of scale required to effect significant change, Fair Trade in fisheries provides a mechanism for raising the awareness of the consumers and the producers in products that are certified as conforming to environmental and social sustainability standards.

Anand Narain Asthana


Autoría: Iván Manuel De La Vega Hernández
Autoría: Charles Vincent, Sergio Moisés Afcha Chávez
