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Cronyism as a coping strategy: how do female academics deal with the lack of emancipative support?

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Organisational cronyism, Career shocks, Female academics, Theory of emancipation, Public universities, Egypt

Título en español

El amiguismo como estrategia de afrontamiento: ¿cómo afrontan las académicas la falta de apoyo emancipador?


This paper aims to explore how female academics use cronyism to cope with the lack of emancipative support resulting from their intense teaching and research duties, poor representation at senior administrative levels and their exhausting familial commitments.


Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 female academics working full-time at four public universities in Egypt.


The findings showed that the low action resources (considering their unreasonable teaching loads, research requirements and supervision engagements), emancipative values (the unfair representation of female academics at senior administrative levels) and civic entitlement (universities not serious about promoting gender equality) are perceived by female academics as a lack of empowerment that necessitates their adoption of cronyism as their main coping strategy. Moreover, in male-dominated societies, female academics who do not have the power to shape their work-related status tend to use undesirable behaviours such as cronyism to mitigate the negative consequences of the shocks they encounter.


This paper contributes by filling a gap in human resources management in which empirical studies on the relationship between cronyism, emancipation and career shocks have been limited so far.


Mousa, M., Althalathini, D. & Abdelgaffar, H. (2023). Cronyism as a coping strategy: how do female academics deal with the lack of emancipative support? Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, I 10.1108/APJBA-12-2022-0527

Mohamed Mousa


Autoría: Beatrice Elcira Avolio Alecchi, Charles Vincent, Martha Liliana Albán Bautista
