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La angustia de los adultos durante la pandemia de Covid-19

El profesor Afghar Jahanshahi y sus colegas realizaron un estudio sobre comparativo sobre el impacto del COVID-19 en las poblaciones iraníes adultas. Para ello recurrió al COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI) con el fin de evaluar el nivel de estrés causado por la pandemia.

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La angustia de los adultos durante la pandemia de Covid-19


Palabras clave

COVID-19, Nivel de estrés, Contagio, Pandemia, Trabajo

El estudio encontró que entre el 47.0% y 14.1% de los adultos iraníes experimentaron un tipo de angustia psicológica leve a moderada y severa. Por otro lado, las mujeres experimentaron más angustia que los hombres. En cuanto a la segmentación etaria, no hay mayor distinción en el nivel de angustia entre mayores y más jóvenes. Tampoco se halló diferencias en el nivel educativo. Sin embargo, los adultos con más niños a su cargo manifestaron padecer menor estrés. A su vez, quienes hacían ejercicios regulaban mejor su angustia.

Otro aspecto en el grado de angustia está relacionado con el conocimiento del contagio. Los adultos que no estaban seguros de haber sido contagiados reportaron mayores niveles de angustia que quienes no sabían. También reportaron mayor angustia los desempleados y los que perdieron su trabajo.

Este artículo es un resumen del paper “The distress of Iranian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic – More distressed than the Chinese and with different predictors”, elaborado por Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi,Maryam Mokhtari Dinani, Abbas Nazarian Madavani, Jizhen Li, y Stephen X. Zhang.

Si desea comunicarse con el profesor e investigador de CENTRUM PUCP, Asghar Afshar, escribir a:

Jahanshahi, A. A., Dinani, M. M., Madavani, A. N., Li, J., & Zhang, S. X. (2020). The distress of Iranian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic – More distressed than the Chinese and with different predictors. Brain, behavior, and immunity, S0889-1591(20)30712-1. Advance online publication.

CENTRUM PUCP se reserva sobre las opiniones personales presentadas en este artículo.

“The distress of Iranian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic – More distressed than the Chinese and with different predictors”

COVID-19 disrupts lives and work and causes psychological distress to the general public. The COVID-19 outbreak first triggered public panic and mental health distress in China. Early research has found working adults in more affected areas in China had worse health conditions, more distress and lower life satisfactions. One of the countries most affected by COVID-19 is Iran. Professor Afshar (full time professor in CENTRUM Catholica) has used COVD-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI) to assess the distress level specific to COVID-19 in Iranian adualts (above 18 years old). He provided the first empirical evidence on Iranian adults’ level of distress and identifies several predictors of their distress under the COVID-19 pandemic to enable early screening for targeting mental health services online.

He started the online survey on March 28, 2020, Iran had one of the highest national counts of COVID-19 confirmed cases (35,408) and deaths (2717). He and his colleagues used an online survey and they received 1058 responses from all 31 provinces in Iran. According to this study:

47.0% and 14.1% of the Iranian adults experienced mild to moderate and severe psychological distress

  • In Iran, females experienced more distress than male
  • Older and younger adults feeling almost same level of distress
  • Highly educated and less educated adults feeling almost same level of distress during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Adults with more children felt less distress during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Adults who exercised more felt less distress during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Adults who were unsure whether he/she had COVID-19 reported higher distress than those who reported COVID-19 negative
  • The unemployed adults reported higher distress than the employed adults and students
  • Among three groups of adults, those who lost their job due to COVID-19 reported higher distress than those who working from home (online or distance working) and those who working regularly at their office.

Jahanshahi, A. A., Dinani, M. M., Madavani, A. N., Li, J., & Zhang, S. X. (2020). The distress of Iranian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic – More distressed than the Chinese and with different predictors. Brain, behavior, and immunity, S0889-1591(20)30712-1. Advance online publication.

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Autoría: Rubén Guevara Moncada, Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi
