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Gender disparities in occupational morbidity: A study on the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in ecuadorian workers

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carpal tunnel syndrome; gender; occupational epidemiology; ecuador

Título en español

Disparidades de género en la morbilidad ocupacional: Un estudio sobre la prevalencia del síndrome del túnel carpiano en trabajadores ecuatorianos


Introduction: The heterogeneity of occupational morbidity by gender in those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has been little studied in the Latin American context. The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence and prevalence of CTS of occupational origin in the Ecuadorian salaried population according to gender, In addition, the differences in risk between women and men are compared. Methods: We use the only administrative registers of CTS qualified as occupational diseases in the country between the years 2017 and 2019. Period incidence rates were estimated to compare the risk in women versus men (RR, CI 95%) by age group and economic activity. Results: CTS is the second most common occupational disease in Ecuador. Women workers are more likely tosuffer from CTS and showed twice the risk compared to men [RR = 2.10 (95%CI: 1.94–2.11); p = 0.000]. This risk increases with age and for the vast majority of economic activities. The occupations of agriculture and warehousing stand out for their importance. Conclusions: The results shown in this study raise the fundamental need to improve epidemiological surveillance systems and occupational health policies by considering gender differences in order to adequately address risks and promote safe and healthy working environments for all.


Autoría: Jorge Benny Benzaquen de las Casas
